Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sen. Kennedy's Latino Gestapo

So comprehensive immigration reform died in the Senate today, and it's chief sponsor, Sen. Ted Kennedy, flipped out:

“We know what they’re against — we don’t know what they’re for,” Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, said of the bill’s opponents. Perhaps, Mr. Kennedy suggested, the bill’s opponents envision some kind of “gestapo” to round up illegal immigrants. “That’s their alternative?” Mr. Kennedy shouted. “That’s their alternative?”

Here's all I have to say about this. As a member of La Raza's "Day Labor Program Allies" email list -- don't ask why -- I've been getting daily, even hourly, emails from La Raza telling me this is a horrible, horrible bill for immigrants. Now, my natural instinct is to support whatever La Raza opposes, but if one of the country's leading leftist, pro-illegal immigrant organizations is against the bill, what in the world is Kennedy talking about? Does he think La Raza supports a Latino gestapo to enforce the border?

My position on immigration remains what it was a year ago: preserve the status quo. This was a non-issue until President Bush and Karl Rove, thirsting for a "permanent Republican majority" -- oops! -- decided to make it the centerpiece of their legislative agenda. I'm still not buying it. The fact is, we cannot opens our border, nor can we completely close them -- and we (meaning wealthy American citizens) benefit tremendously from the labor these immigrants provide. So let them come and work, "illegally," and let's move on to other issues, like, you know, the two wars we're fighting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preserve the status quo? The status quo where your friend David can't come and work here because of the H-1B cap, where your girlfriend will have to wait about 7 years to get a green card because of the visa number backlog and where the U.S. is loosing its edge because you can’t import any foreign talent and your home grown scientists and engineers leave a little to be desired.

I also think you misunderstand the opposition to the bill. You say “..if one of the country's leading leftist, pro-illegal immigrant organizations is against the bill, what in the world is Kennedy talking about? Does he think La Raza supports a Latino gestapo to enforce the border?”. La Raza opposes the bill because they think it’s unfair that illegals have to pay to become legal and that it will take to long (I have no sympathy at all). Those on the right oppose it because they think the bill is too soft on illegals and sets a precedent that entering the U.S. illegally is ok. They are scared bigots.

Can we please have a bill that fixes business immigration issues, raises the H-1B cap, allows spouses to get work authorization and that allows people who have something to offer the U.S. to get green cards in less than 10 years.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Some good points made by "nic" here. I should clarify: I'm for preserving the status quo with respect to illegal immigration from Mexico. I think the business immigration regime is ludicrous and should be reformed -- but that's a much smaller task than the "comprehensive" reform sought by the Washington establishment.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a "comprehensive" reform.

11:07 AM  

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